How to find again the music I used as a sample but now want to buy the rights for


A couple of weeks ago I downloaded a few options to use as a sound track for my edit. I have now decided which track I want to use and want to buy the rights and download the music again without the watermark. I have tried entering the name of the track that appears on the download in the search engine but only get other music by the same artist. How can I find this track quickly?

The name of the downloaded track is 22027802_adventure_by_luiza-music_preview


Hey there!

Is this one:

Maybe she changed the name of the track for some reason.

Oh, btw, you just need to copy the track code at the beginning of the filename (in this case 22027802) in the search field and that should do it. :slight_smile:

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thank you so much! That’s it. That’s really good to know.

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