How to filter WP Gallery Shortcode when link to is selected.


Can anyone help me on this, on how to filter the link to in WP Gallery Shortcode? I found this code snippet online.

if(!function_exists('add_gallery_lightbox')) :
	  function add_gallery_lightbox($link) {
			global $post;

			if( $link['link'] == 'file' ) :
				$link = str_replace('<a href', '<a class="lightbox" href', $link);

			return $link;
	add_filter('wp_get_attachment_link', 'add_gallery_lightbox');  

Not sure if this code is correct in filtering the link to “file”
if( $link[‘link’] == ‘file’ ) :

if link to is linked to file then it will add class lightbox

I hope someone can help me on this.
Thank you!

nevermind, this works fine now.

if ( ! $permalink ) :
	        $link = str_replace('<a href', '<a class="lightbox" href', $link);