How to cope with tragedy when running a business

Thanks very much for your helpful blog post. :thumbsup:

My problem is more to motivate myself to go on being creative and productive.
The alarm wakes me up at 05:30 am and I’m back from work at 06:00 pm, which I unfortunately still need to do to pay the bills. And I have a family so that the rest of my time and energy is extremely small.
The result: Less creative work, less sales. Than it’s quite easy to cause a downward spiral you mentioned.

I hope one day I’ll be able to quit my current job, which is not really sparkling. :wink:

Anyway, it’s great that you posted you’re experiences to help other people to get out of their forlornness.

Thanks again and all the best to you! :four_leaf_clover:

It’s nice to see you managed to somehow control it, I’m sorry for what happened to you ):
I wish you the best from now on. :slight_smile:

@patchesoft great article.
Don’t stop doing what your doing - it’s working, that’s the biggest thing.

But I’d like to give a different perspective and way of coping. I’ve been listening to an audio book called ‘The Chimp Paradox’. The book describes how we are all split into 2 personalities. There’s the human - that’s the normal us. And there’s the Chimp - it has no reason and no rational. It will tell you to do and suggest doing crazy things.

I’m half way through.

The book describes how you need to manage the Chimp. And sometimes you need to give it time and let it have its say.

Just a thought. It’s helping me understand and cope better myself - and understand why others around me sometimes behave the way they do.

Hope you get over everything and get back to 100% soon.

Great Life support Blog articles help a lot for a Businessman