Hello. I have selected “Global” for Cloud Templates in the Mobile Header, but the template I edited only appears on the Home page of the theme on mobile. When I click on the menu and submenu, the template I edited doesn’t appear; instead, the original header of the Amsonia demo template is shown.
Could you please tell me how to display the edited header template for the entire menu, submenu, and posts on the mobile version of the website?
That is a mobile header, meant for mobile pages and templates. It will appear in the mobile pages and templates you create for desktop pages and templates. It won’t appear on mobile for pages that do not have a mobile page set. There’s more information about it here Newspaper 10.3.7 Update Brings Customizable Mobile Pages | tagDiv
By default on mobile the responsive version of the desktop header/footer are used, but if you create a mobile page or a mobile template for a post, category, etc. then it will require converting a mobile header/footer to use for them.
So in your screenshot you are setting a global header template for mobile pages and mobile templates. In a page that does not have a mobile page set, the normal header is displayed.