how to achieve this in wordpress?

I am trying to achieve this functionality in wordpress but not too sure how to string it together.

If anyone can suggest plugins or customisation needed I would appreciate it.

here is the example:

example use:
I want to run a team sport league.

I need team owners to complete a registration form on my site,

This registration form will capture all relevant info about the team owner as well as how many players they wish to nominate for their team. This may be 5, 50 or 500 (ok, its not really a team league but its an example).

On a separate page the form will dynamically create user fields for however many players the owner registers, and the player names will be entered into these user fields by the owner.

Once this is done payment is made for both team payment (mandatory membership fee) and per player payment.

Once payment is made a “private page” is created for that owner. The username will be the email address and the password can be chosen by the owner.

In the “private page” there will be tabs.
One tab for the account info: date joined, date of renewal, change password etc

Another tab for “registered players” with abilities to add or remove players as needed.

Another tab will have an area where I upload pdf files for the owner to view/print/download. These may be separated into individual folders for each player.

Also, in the admin panel, I will need a search feature that can search players by name so when I recieve a report on a player I can locate which account to upload it to.

That would require a lot of custom work - even if there was a plugin to handle part of the journey you would probably only be confusing matters further compared to building it to your requirements from the start.

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