How this can be a featured file with 3 sales and uploaded from 2015

How this item can be a featured item , if even it’s demo , is not working , with 3 sales only , uploaded from2 years?

check this screenshot , it is on main featured files page also :slight_smile

i’m bit confused about this.

Lol, i am confused too :confused:

Yes, how is this possible? Nice catch.

I always thought it takes hard efforts to be featured.

I’m dying here , giving installation supports and little little request support to clients , with 5 start ratings from all of them about the product , but never got featured lol. But how this can be featured with just 3 sales in 2 years and no ratings :stuck_out_tongue:

@matthewcoxy please do explain , why is it so ?

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I’m confused as well, you’d expect Envato has a mechanism in place to notice interesting / trending / hot products and feature those.

:smiley: Envato team can do what they want whether logical or illogical.