how not find my design AI for approved gr flyer?

Hi Everyone:
how not find my design AI for approved GR flyer? my latest flyer was hard rejected because other author think that I generate AI design but nothing to do with it, I am making a desgn original job with my creative but was hard rejected, please help me. thank you.

my other forum: Why my flyer was hard rejected? - #8 by mooncats2007

@ki-themes @charlie4282

@ki-themes was not saying that it was AI - he was saying that you have just combined stock assets with some basic text.

You cannot submit or redistribute stock content so all that would be left for buyers is a few bits of text (which still needs improvement in terms of layout, hierarchy, etc.)

Combining stock is not premium design - you need to be creating everything (or at least the vast majority) yourself from scratch

@charlie4282 I am using all photos free ( and one deer ( but not file for buyers because I use placeholder it, thanks.

Exactly - so what is left for buyers when you replace the images with placeholders is very little.

It’s not designing when you are just compiling other people’s work and means that it is not premium enough to sell here.

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I not copy other desigm I making my creative but I was playing colors, typography, etc my flyers.

I think that I need make more flyers maybe one of my flyer will to be approved.


Take these out and replace them with placeholders and all that is left is the text in the middle and corners - that’s not enough for approval.

Use our own photos and design the different elements you are including from scratch and you have a muich better chance of approval

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Thank you.

@charlie4282 Do I can use photos for create new flyer? but I not have any thing for take camera.

You can, but it’s not about where ou get the images from… It’s about not making the ‘design’ reliant on these.

Adding some basic text to a stock image is not designing and is unlikely to be approved.

Your best chance of approval is to use elements (not just text) that you create from scratch as much as possible including any backgrounds, graphic elements, etc. Look at this example from @flyerlicious. That is an example of properly executed, best practice design.

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thank you.