How much would you charge to design an event calendar for the month?

Hi everyone,

I have been talking with a potential client who is interested in updating some of their marketing materials and I am sort of stumped at what to charge for some items.

One of the bigger items is they have a poorly designed monthly calendar (I think done in Word) and are looking for something a bit better. They referenced Quaker Steak & Lube (see: ).

How much would you charge for a calendar like this? Thanks for your input.

Please do not make a calendar that loaded with info! I am lost in everything lol, maybe its just me, but it seems a bit overloaded. As for pricing I would do it based on timing? How long do you think it will take you? If it is say a 10-15 hour project, then charge accordingly. If it was just a base price I would say $200 maybe a bit more. I think for twelve months that would be a bit of work depending on the amount of detail, what do you think?

bedistinct said

They referenced Quaker Steak & Lube (see: ).

^If you make a calendar like this, i would not pay you lol.

I think something around $200 - $350 is ok

Ask what you think you are worth that’s the best advice i can give you

I totally agree with it being overloaded… but if the client REALLY wants it, they’ll get it! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help!