How do you upload a Wordpress theme? No 'add new' button?

Please help, I just purchased a theme and now it seems I can’t upload it?

Are you using your own domain and hosting and NOT (won’t work on the later)

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You’ll need to login to WordPress as an administrator, then go to Appearance > Themes and click the “Add New” button. Then follow the instructions in the theme for installation and activation.

Do not use a account, these do not allow themes to be uploaded. You’ll need to purchase a website domain name and wordpress hosting through a service like this:

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Hi, I’m just using a wordpress account. I understand now I need to have a host?

Is this the same as buying your domain through wordpress?

Not really - I believe that when you do that with all you are doing is pointing the domain to the site.

You need to get domain and hosting (get it from the same place!) through someone like @dtbaker 's link, GoDaddy, BlueHost etc. then either use their hosting admin to install WP or download the files from and do it manually.

Once this is installed on your site then you will be able to install the theme you bought from here

Are there any official Envato help articles on actually setting up a WordPress website with a themeforest theme?

Hopefully the “Envato Hosted” test they are doing at the moment will work well and they can roll that out to all themes down the track ( )

We have a few resources which should help:

Let us know if you think anything specific is missing and we’ll make sure we fill the gaps!

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Same issue. I have a domain and hosting, but no option to upload theme. I am quite knowledgable with wordpress as well.

The domain etc are not bought by extending a site are they?

Assuming it is an independent domain and hosting then you do have WordPress installed on it right? What shows up when you go to where you would normally upload a theme under Appearance?