So again I submited a project.
And once again soft rejection. with “Please don’t change the original font whenever you use word “envato” along with Envato logo symbol in the same design. This is considered an alteration of Envato logo and is not allowed. Please use logo in official font or change word “envato” to your company name or something else to illustrate that it is only a title placeholder and not part of the logo.
Please also change tagline font to any of the sans-serif style fonts as this will not look good with the logo.
The description you provided for your file was inadequate. Your description is a means to explain the file’s features to prospective buyers. It also serves as a place to answer questions for buyers, before they arise”
These mistakes are very simply to change, right?
So I changed…but after resubmition the project hardly rejected…
firstly soft rejection with small mistakes and then the hard rejection with no reasons.
I do not understand…
Can somebody explain why it happens?
Perhaps it goes like this:
- Reviewer begins the review of your theme.
- He pulls it up on his browser and takes a look.
- He immediately sees the logo problem, and without looking at the rest of your theme, rejects with the logo issue.
Just an idea. We’re users like you. If you want to get in touch with a reviewer then that’s what http://enva.to/help is for. 
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I tried to get some help from there and the answer is the same everytime
We are really sorry that your project can not be submitted, we appreciate your time…and so on…simple copy-paste -_-
only once i had normal answer, but the meaning of the answer was the same…
I appreciate that You, baileyherbert, replied to my problemm!!!
Very disappointing that they don’t care at all for new authors…
If you post the URL to your demo, perhaps somebody with design experience can offer some advice on how you can improve.
That’s the whole point, I was soflty rejected of not full description and inappropriate use of envato logo (I used a font and wrote “envato” and with this I chaged theirs design) but the project itself was good.
The reviewer won’t go into detail otherwise it’d take 6 months for them to review items!
So post a link to your theme video (or screenshots) so we can offer advice on why you were hard rejected.
Otherwise you have no options.
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So this is the project.
But mainly I interested why they can softly rejected and then hardly, it feels like if Your reviewer will be in bad mood he just can hardly rejected because he want and can.