Hi There! i am new here! hope all of you help me.Can you give me some advice for my design which are rejected & how it improve.

hi the certificate is basically too flat in terms of style and lacks “more graphic design” in my view, this implies that u push the envelope. Color combinations are basically not so very harmonious and u should think about complementary colors or color shades. The logo is just ruining the preview , u need to work on a professional and good looking fake logo, all details matter …

typo is too flat , lacks variations, combinations and so on …

u should also add some texture in my view … so that there is more relief in what u have too, but this should be smooth

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for the calendar this is basically clean but there is a global lack of originality and the typo part in particular is a bit flat indeed. U should add more relief to the month and associated number as well. U should also make sure that texts are popping out enough in all situations and that there is enough contrast between the background and the texts …

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Thank you for your feedback.i am try to create next item with your directions.

so good job and good luck buddy and if u feel like u have enough clues for this pls check the “solution” box :slight_smile: