Hi I am trying to find the music track in this video template

what’s the music track on this please?


Author does not provide audio link you can ask with that item author @FramesPorSegundo right here as a comments



17159371 On audio jungle
I’m on holidays with almost no sigbal

When you get back make sure to amend. Crediting the music is not optional!!

Hi There! when uploaded the items i filled the item description with the audiojungle item Id. I don`t know why its not shown.
Im checking it out though

That’s because this functionality is not working yet.
You have to manually put the credit in the description field.

Check out the help section for more info on how to properly do it.

I have been 7 years in envato pasting the audio link properly, as this option came around a long time ago now. I dont understand how come isn´t working yet, . why do we fill this field for then?

That would be a question for Envato.

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probably it may not a thing to claim the authors