Help with the footer in Canvas package theme

Hi friends,

Firstly, I appreciate your tremendous work to make themes perfect as I found and experienced

I have purchased the Canvas multi purpose theme and it is great. I almost have customized all the desired pages of concern out of it. the only issue I have right now is with footer. there are 5 shapes of footer included in the Canvas package, I finally choosed one of them and customized it to my needs, I just removed the un-necessary parts of it and included others. I didn’t modify the style sheet or anything else. I just edited the footer, and now it looks like the following when I put it in empty HTML page.
My question: with all the staff and various pages included in the theme package, I’m confused how to link this footer to all the pages I made without having to copy and paste manually all the code to all the pages. and also to make it easier for me in the future when I add or remove an item from the footer, then I can make it from the footer file without doing that with all pages which it will take a lot of time.
Please note that I’m familiar now with HTML and CSS and I use code editor along with Dreamweaver v2021 which works perfectly with your templates without issues.

I really appreciate your kind assistance in this regards

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Contact with your purchase item author hope they will helped!
