Thanks for your feedback.My song is not ready because you wrothe me:,You need to remove the watermark from the zip file".I dont understand what to remove.The wathermark from the song or the song with wathermark out of the zip file?
please help me
In your zip you should have your main track, or tracks, without a watermark. Nothing else. Your watermarked preview should be uploaded separately from the main zip file, and that should contain a watermark.
Sounds like you included your preview track in the zip or added a watermark to your main file.
Sounds like you clicked on upload, selected your new files, waited until they uploaded, and then clicked submit… without using the dropdowns to add your uploads to the relevant slots.
It’ll get soft rejected if there’s no watermark. Reviews for soft rejected items are a lot quicker than normal ones… so the best course of action depends on how long the item has been in the queue. If you’ve only just uploaded it, then you’re probably best deleting it from the queue, fixing the issue, and then uploading again. If it’s been in the queue for a while, then I’d wait until you get the soft reject and then resubmit.
No, I’m afraid not. Only the hallowed brotherhood of reviewer monks on review mountain, hold the sacred power of reviewing items. Resubmissions are usually pretty quick though. They’re good like that.