Help me with documentation file, please

Hi there! Are designers here? Could you share documentation file for design? I want to publish my first work. Thanks!


HTML Documentation Template – Most marketplace items require documentation. You can use this template as a starting point.


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Hello everyone! I did documentation file, please, look and help me, Is it ok? A lot of thanks!


I think need improvement.
You need to explain file structure (files you included), colors used, fonts used, & credits for images and other resources. you need to mention the software version you used to create the template, need to give screenshots of your layer/group structure and include an example of how to edit layer.


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Thank you, mgscoder

I updated my file, I added some blocks and fast links. You can use scroll or fast links in table of content block

Please, look new version. What do you think? thanks!

And I did about screen


I do not really think you need a documentation for a design file. Just make sure that everything inside the project is well structured and named.

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Thanks you!

Yes, I structured and named all layouts.

And, I did 3d model and animation background and made description (how to use it) for them.