Help! Binary random 1's & 0's in AE

Can some one tell me how to randomly generate ones and zeros in AE. I need a whole screen of them. and im blanking on how to figure it out.


then i need to turn them into a tunnel somehow.

Wow Brian,you have to turn them to a tunnel after that,i never do something like that,i am pretty sure this can be done with Text Anarchy,but you know that.
I dont have much experience with this plugin.
maybe felt_ will come up with idea for this.

yeah im trying to not buy a plug in then have to figure it out.

Yo Brian did you try this?

Make a ‘tunnel’ comp something like 500X1000 in size, fill the entire screen with zeros. then play with this animation controls of the text, add character offset, change offset to 1 then add a wiggly, change the minimal amount to 0.

Now create your main comp and add the tunnel comp and add cc cylinder?

I hope it helps


I’m sure there are some expressions that cover the number generating topic but sadly i never really dove into it…

tX = 10; tY = 10;

tText = “”;

for (j = 0; j < tX; j++) {

for (i = 0; i<tY; i++) {

	t= random(100)>50;

	t = (t?"1":"0"); 

	tText += t;


tText += "\r";



Hi Brian,

Here’s an expression method.

Put it in the Source Text property of a text layer and it makes a block of random 1s and 0s that is tX characters long by tY lines high. Works best with a monospace typeface.

Not sure how familiar you are with Javascript syntax… so just incase, the (a ? b : c); is shorthand for an if / else statemtent. If a is true, return b, otherwise return c.

a += b; is the same as a = a+b;


PS sorry… the code tag has removed all line breaks from that code. Not exactly easy to read. If anyone knows how to do a line break in a code block, I’d love to know.

I can’t take the code out of the code block or it recognises lots of the code syntax as formatting.

PM me if you need an annotated and nicely spaced version. :slight_smile:


Does the tunnel need to be straight?

You can just use Cycore Cylinder, if so.

If the tunnel needs to weave, you could generate a series of randomly changing 1s and 0s in a 3D circle, using text on a 3D path. Put it in a precomp.

Then you could arrange multiple iterations of this precomp (collapsed transformations) along a spline that winds through 3D space (making sure that they align to spline). Then offset each comp by a random amount (there’s a script for doing this - the random layer offset - over at AE scripts)

I suspect you could achieve the effect with Particular too, but that would be a pretty code heavy solution.


Another thought… You use Cinema 4D don’t you? Why not use Mograph in C4D? That would do the job.

Or even animate your flat texture in AE, sweep a circle along a wiggly spine in C4D and then wrap your AE texture around the resulting wiggly tunnel. Export render, spline and camera move back into AE.


tX = 20; //chars per line
tY = 10; //no of lines

tText = ""; //initialise text
for (j = 0; j < tY; j++) {  //loop thru lines
	for (i = 0; i50; //statement that is true half of the time
		t = (t?"1":"0"); //convert to string
		tText += t; //append to text
	 tText += "\r"; //add line break


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is this an expression for a text layer? and how would i use it. Do i type out lines of ones and zeros?

Yeah… make a text layer. alt click on the source text and paste the expression in.

It will automatically generate a block of random 1s and 0s. By altering the first two lines of the expression, you can alter the dimensions of the block.

Each frame will give a new pattern of 1s and 0s.

If you want it to animate slower, there’s an extra line or two you need to add.


nice idea!

I used it as :

        t = random(); //changed, randomize between 0-1
        t = Math.round(t); //changed, round it up to 0 or 1

instead of :

t = random(100)>50;
t = (t?"1":"0"); // I didn't know you can have conditionals if-then-else shorthand like this!, this is good to know

great idea felt!.. do u have background in javascript?

Yeah…that’s a bit neater, actually Fray. I might use that in the future.

Background in Javascript? Not really. My background is in fine art actually. But I’ve been programming things in various forms for many years. I find it’s a really useful weapon in the arsenal.

Incidentally, if you’re interested, here’s the version which uses seedRandom so you can control the frequency of change of the numbers.

tX = 44; //chars per line
tY = 16; //no of lines
tChangeEveryXFrames = 3.1; //how often a new random is generated

tText = ""; //initialise text
t = 0;

for (j = 0; j < tY; j++) {  //loop thru lines
    for (i = 0; i 50; //statement that is true half of the time
        t = (t?"1":"0"); //convert to string
        tText += t; //append to text
     tText += "\r"; //add line break


Code-tastic! :slight_smile:


you crazy kids and you crazy expression language. I’ll give em a try.

you crazy kids and you crazy expression language. I’ll give em a try.

but there are method to our madness… :smiley:

Yeah...that's a bit neater, actually Fray. I might use that in the future.

Background in Javascript? Not really. My background is in fine art actually. But I’ve been programming things in various forms for many years. I find it’s a really useful weapon in the arsenal.

I bet you must did very interesting work in Generative Graphics and Real-Time Graphics processing :D.

Have you ever look at “Processing 1.0?”:

Thank you for the AWESOME code! It really helped me out on a project today!

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

yes, thank you Felt_Tips, you’re code helped me out after searching for a couple hours…