Hello! What do you think about my new LOGO Product? Your ideas are very important for me! Write your ideas

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What do you think about ? :slight_smile:

What do you think about it??

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hi i like the originality of the illustration side though the problem is that this is really a different story when it comes to typo , typo is too flat , not original enough and not combining fonts enough . in addition, this time the text is not imbricating well and is too close from the illustration part

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How is this? @n2n44

hi the name font and the tagline are not matching with the illustration in my view, plus, the tagline font is really not visually attractive if u ask me … combining with variations , like adding boldness, would be welcome in my opinion

how is this?


are there fonts you can suggest?


i do not know u have to test … what know is that this u have here are not readable and are not aesthetic either … try a little bit rounded but not too much like the tagline of the second picture

thanks for ideas and wasting time. I’m trying.


hi the tagline is not good and i think that using such a cut font for the name is not a good idea either