Hello, this slogan has been rejected because it is not up to the required level, but I do not know why, is it possible for my help to explain the reason for rejection before I re-upload another slogan?

hi what u have is not bad though this is globally a bit too thin and the direct consequence of this is that not super visible or valued in small size and here they consider the logo in small size. In addition, a version like the yellow / gold one with the white background is a major mistake as this is really hardly visible due to the lack of contrast between the logo and the background and let me remind u that contrast is one of the major design principles so this is not a small deal. I also tend to believe that the global style is a bit outdated and lacking modernity a bit

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Thank you for helping me understand the problem [n2n44]

u are welcome happy to help :slight_smile:

if u have enough clues u can check the “solution” box :slight_smile: