Hello everyone, give me some notes about my logo

Hello everyone, give me some notes about my logo


hi buddy, first of all without even really getting any technical or aesthetic considerations, here is what i have to say, your item has a very limited potential due to the fact that this imply to have N and E initials inside the buyers name, which basically considerably reduces the interest that a lot of people may have … then comes the other types of comments, those related to more technical or aesthetic issues. I would start personally with saying that the combination of colors for the main preview definitely is not the best that u may have chosen. This kind of dark grey and blue do not match particularly well nor do they contrast much indeed, not to mention that they rather tend to make the preview and global style look sort of a bit old. In addition, as for me i consider the style a bit flat and the logo a bit too easy to redo without having really amazing skills and spending too much time, which, once again, reduces the potential of the item commercially speaking. Still about the general style, this is a bit simple , it would take some effect (by the way , the wall mockup proved by actual test what i am saying since this is looking far better this way than initially if u wish) or playing more with the pathfinder and shapes to give more interest , more of a worked out feeling. Besides, the typo, if clean, is also rather flat and dull , as there is not much variations, font combos or touches of originality to create more relief , generate some “wow effect” , to draw the attention or to inspire the potential buyer to say “ok, i buy it and save some time”. Finally u have a bit of a spacing issue when it comes to the tagline indeed

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