Hashtag Linking for Nav Bar not working for Okno Template by Suelo

When you download this template it has the correct html code set up to link the nav bar to different sections. But it doesn’t work. Is there some sort of configuration missing for this template to work properly? I am looking at index-onepage-industry.html for https://elements.envato.com/okno-ultimate-multipurpose-html5-template-8T52RE


most probably, the same id has to be in the menu item link as well in the section id, for instance:

the code for services menu item is like this:

<li><a href="#services">Services</a></li>

then the Services section should have the same id:

 <section id="services" class="bg-grey">

(note the same “services” word)

@hevada The HTML is correct that is not the problem. I have already had that confirmed. It’s something wrong with the template. Have you tried downloading it? I found this documentation for the template: http://themes.suelo.pl/okno/documentation.html Under configuration there is local scroll which I thought maybe it was. It says " To turn on local scroll for main navigation at Header please add .one-page class to body selector. If you want to use local scroll somewhere in the content please add data-target="local-scroll" attribute in the parent selecotr of a link to local selector." It looks like the template already came with a one-page class in the body. The second part I am not sure how to do.