Has it been a year already?

I wish you happy AJ-birthday, James! :birthday:

Today is an important day for me, also. One hour ago I’ve submitted my first three track for approval. You can listen to them here.

I have to admit, I am pretty excited! :wink:
I am also a little bit anxious because i have to 23 day for approval. Hopefully, it will be OK!

I am already working on 4 more tracks, and i will upload them next week. It is hard to stay motivated without any feedback or sales, so if you have any feedback, please drop a note.

Thanks for sharing your story. I hope i will be still here in one year to share my success!

Happy birthday and good luck with your second year!

Good going J and well spoken :sunglasses:

Looking forward to hear the next top seller from you!

Congrats James!! It’s been great getting to know you and enjoying your great music. Thanks for the kind words and here’s to another great year on AJ! :tada:


congrats! you live my dream :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday :wink:

Congrats J! There is more to come :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :birthday:

Congratulations on your success so far James! You are the MAN! It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you and your sound. You’ve got a killer ear, and the production skills to make it happen. You’re way too smart to not keep growing here, and anywhere you apply yourself. This is just the beginning for sure.

Will and I both appreciate the shoutout. We’re going to have to make that collab happen soon. :slight_smile:

Keep up the fantastic work my friend.

Well done, James! Big Congrats!

Hey James! My apologies for not seeing this sooner. I’ve been a tad out of touch with AJ lately. Between the new marriage and the search engine fiasco, I’ve had little time and/or motivation to create new music or be on the forum. I’m planning to get a fresh new (re)start this coming week.

That being said, YOU ROCK MAN! Your sales are growing like wildfire! This is obviously because of the quality of your tracks. I salute you my friend.

Catch ya on chat soon,


Inspiring :thumbsup::slight_smile:

Congrats! This is great what you’ve achieved here! Wish you all the best for the future and many more sales! :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing your tips and for the inspiration you give to the others!

Congrats Aurus/James. Nice sharing and example of succes!

Niice post James! GLWS! :birthday:

Congratulations and thank you for sharing the tips!
That’s useful to me.

Hey James thanks for the shout out!

It’s been really great talking with you these last few months and you have a very bright future ahead of you.

You are very, very talented for your age and so well spoken. I can’t even begin to imagine what your skill level will be in just a few years!


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Great and inspiring post! :slight_smile:


Had a second read of this post today; very inspiring one. Thanks. :slight_smile: