Has anyone experienced this? Sorry, it looks like you're currently locked out of your account. Please contact Help Team for more details.

Hello! Please help me… My account is locked. Reason: Your portfolio, has been found to contain multiple tracks taken from third-party sources. Do not write what specific sounds. Locked money. Support for already 4 days is not responding. How to challenge? Has anyone experienced this? Sorry for my bad English.

Grach… My item is build up at your audio, and now one of new buyer gived me 1 star rating for non existing audio. Please contact me hello@maciejswiechowski.com

Closed Topic. Account restored.

I am very disappointed, I bought a template that came without all options issued on Themeforest and now to make matters worse I’m blocked … need urgent help and I bought several searches to select the templates I want adiquirir … many lost hours. My user is Denisvb …

Hi @Denisvb, welcome to the community forums!

The amazing folks in the Envato Help Team can help you with your account. You can contact them here:

Best wishes.

Obrigado amigo, já havia aberto um pedido de suporte nessa url, mas sem solução até o momento. Esse problema acontece sempre pelo que encontrei aqui no forum. Tenho que concluir os trabalhos.