Hard rejected theme. Pls give some feedbacks!


I have got hard reject for my item.

The reviewer also give some feedback

Our Review team also provided these comments:

This is a nice start, but unfortunately this item needs more work before it can be approved on ThemeForest. Don’t give up, it takes awhile and sometimes many attempts to get items approved - but the Envato community is here to help you out along the way. Try posting this item in the forums for feedback :slight_smile:

The typography needs some additional work and minimal templates need to be pixel perfect. Make sure all text is easily readable. After improving the overall quality of this item I’ll be happy to take another look

Could you give some feedback
Thank you

Change the photos in the portfolio, add a button to the blog posts and improve typo in blog area. Contact looks empty and unfinished.

It’s a little far from the quality standards of TF

It requires work hard with typography,

work seems incomplete

familiar with the standards of TF, find more inspiration

Good luck