Hard Rejected - Anyone Help me understand why?

Hi guys,
HTML template rejected. Same email as everyone else get.
Anyone help me understand why? Would appreciate it.

Demo: Home

Thanks :slight_smile:

Sorry, no it’s not only for gap. Your Design is not trendy and not ready in 2021. So, you have to improve your design first. Please, check latest item from Themeforest to get some inspiration.

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What gap? I never mentioned anything about a gap?
Yeah I guess the design may not be up to scratch with some of them out there. However, I see a few that have been approved and look like they were slapped together back in 1989.

I highly doubt those were recently approved.

With respect it’s nowhere near the standards.

  • There are issues with design basics like typography, hierarchy and spacing

  • The gig previews don’t link anywhere

  • The gig list looks like generic and unstyled table

  • No where near enough options/variations e.g. different home page layouts, individual gig pages, more team info, blog/news, post page etc

  • Code does not validate properly

  • No proper page headings

  • Footer is not good

  • Lack of proper mobile optimisation

The very very ordinary design with layouts, colors, typography, features, etc. You need to improve your design quality with trendy design.

Thanks for your input.
Why would I have multiple home page designs? That’s just stupid.
Gig Previews not linking anywhere? Where do you want them to link to? It’s a template?
Gigs look like an unstyled table? Looks styled to me.
Why would I have individual gig pages? That’s also stupid and would just bulk the whole thing up when there is no need to.
Don’t know where you are validating the HTML code but I validated it in W3Scool and it validates just fine.
Explain “Proper Page Headings”?
What’s wrong with the footer?
Works and loads perfectly on mobile devices.

That’s the problem then I guess with your submission too mate.
The problem with todaty’s standards is people expect too much for less.

It is just way too simple with quite an outdated design. Just compare it to some bestsellers items approved in the last year.

Pro tip: don’t compare your design with approved items of a lower lower quality, try to match the quality of the best ones.

Also don’t argue with other members who are just trying to help you. We’ve seen hundreds of similar threads in years we’ve been active on these forums. I mean either you accept that your skills are not there and go practice more, or keep thinking we, as well as reviewers, do not know what we are talking about and never get approved. You can’t take the critique personally. Everybody started somehow,

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LOL No I am not arguing. I am questioning because I want to understand more. My apologies if I come across rude. I am Irish. We are rude by nature lol.
Thanks for the input. It is appreciated.

You need to practice more before your next attempt. Take some inspiration from sites like Dribbble or here on ThemeForest from some recently approved bestsellers. Read through some tutorials (for example at https://tutsplus.com) and simply spend more time on the craft and you will get good enough sooner or later. Just don’t expect it will happen overnight, nor in a month. You have solid basics, your design is not horrible, it is just way too basic to sell commercially. Very important: Be critical to your work! Don’t fall into the mindset that reviews are not fair. That’s nonsense. You won’t progress with such mindset. Problem is 100% on your side. Accept that. Make a worthy item and it will be approved. Good luck!

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The need for multiple versions is as you said it’s a template so needs to offer premium options or versatility - why would people pay for something they can get with more options etc for free online

Gig previews should link to a gig page with more info or ticket options as referenced on the home page

On mobile your burger icon is invisible and spacing on the contact page is inconsistent

w3c says not validated https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fmoorcam.com.au%2Ftheband%2FHome.html

As an example - A best seller in this category Raaga - Responsive Parallax Template for Bands Preview - ThemeForest (still only has 1k sales in 8 years) has all sorts of different galleries, sound cloud integration, subscription etc

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LSVRthemes and charlie4282,
Thank you both. Really appreciate the honest responses and the tips etc.
You are right. Looking at it and some more recent ones, I can see now where you are coming from and with the Multiple Homepage options etc.
I am working on some other designs and will make sure that I take my time and do it right.
Have a good one :slight_smile:

As someone who has bought several Envato themes I can say that multiple home pages are essential. It increases the likelihood that the customer finds a group of elements or a certain arrangement of elements on a page that piques his/her interest. e.g customer may want a band theme but with a background video instead of slider.

You obviously did not check your work on mobile. The menu disappears and the footer elements overlap. Very unprofessional.

Your pages are bland. Try putting all the elements on one page for a start. It is unlikely that many people will want just a a gig table on their home page. Find the templates that are selling and critically determine what they have that yours doesn’t.

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Look buddy . Before you get your self into more confusion and depress, I will suggest you take a deep breath, rethink differently. Nothing wrong with your design it’s maybe just not the right fit for Envato market.

I can see that you are a very creative person and will suggest you just keep creating and submitting untill you figure out what works for Envato.

Sharing on this forum will not help you in any way .

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It is good to understand that there are no good designers, we have to follow the trend of the moment. Let me give you an example: Imagine a Beetle with the 70’s layout being sold nowadays, do you think it would sell? And I say yes, of course it would sell, but the question is how many of them could you sell? Certainly, very few. Why?

The trend today is different, people want to see lines, curves, more modern details, more modern colors, a bolder design.

Another detail too, people are becoming lazier and lazier, so the less information you have and the more visual content you have, the better. People don’t want to “rack their brains” to figure out what you want to convey to them, social networks are doing this terrible transformation.

In summary, give a characteristic to your design, making it unique, always follow this path. Good Luck!


Hello @MoorcamDev, Actually you don’t understand the market Place Design Standards. To understand that Please compare your product with the newest items approved in the marketplace then you itself reject your own item. I hope you will understand the market trends.

I can tell you a simple way to get accept is that your product should beat the newest product approved in the marketplace in terms of design.

Themeforest requires the design not your coding. if you fail in terms of design They will hard reject you. if you fail in the terms of coding they will soft reject you

Actions you should take

Compare your design with the newest theme approved in TF

Compare your typography with the newest theme approved in TF

I hope you will understand the marketplace :+1::+1::+1:

Kind Regards

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