Hard Reject, Please Help!

Hello, received Hard Rejected, please help me understand what is wrong with our template.
Demo: http://ntrn.jove.pro/
Demo documentation: http://ntrn.jove.pro/documentation/doc_eng.html
Template Details: 120+ Html, css3, LESS, validator successful (1 is not a critical error for the entire project)
Temlate made on the recommendations of envato Market to the maximum.

We can not understand the reason for the refusal, did reason in the design???

Help Help Help!

Looks good to me, the only issue i will fix is scrolling.

I think but not sure, your need make more animation html5.

The concept is not bad but there is a lot of attention to detail lacking

  • Typography needs work

  • inconsistency with spacing, white space, padding etc.

  • rather than focusing to much on multiple demos - focus on really refining and modernizing the design concept in one example first.


Thank you for the good advice, we will work on it!

You need to work on typography and visual hierarchy.
Do not go for quantity, focus on quality.
Do not go for update, go for new (my suggestion ) rest is up to you.:slight_smile:

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What does it mean? Thanks!

Hard Reject means your designs is not good or poor typography. So you need to update your design or work on an other template with uniqueness.