hard reject for game bundle

Unfortunately today my new game bundle has been rejected and this is the first time that a game bundle for me has been rejected, Although all last game bundle have been approved and the last items. this first reject from 5 years , I need to know the reason for the refusal, I think l will go crazy soon

@envato ?


It’s impossible to judge without seeing a demo

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each games in bundle is already has been approved as item before- But the bundle itself was rejected. The bundle contains these 10 games

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each games in bundle is already has been approved as item before- But the bundle itself was rejected. The bundle contains these 10 games

This is not really a category I am very experienced with. The sales seem quite low on each item which i guess could be part of the reason

Thank you for reply, but I really want to know the reason for the rejected. I really can’t sleep, my mind is going to explode, I feel so frustrated


You could try replying to the reviewer and seeing if they are wiling to share more info

Is there a way to appeal against this reject?

Can you help me plz

Unfortunately I cannot.

It sounds like a mistaken rejection – they’ve made such mistakes before and have even admitted to them here on the forums.

Getting in touch with a reviewer is difficult nowadays. We used to be able to ping some on the forums, but those days are largely gone. We used to be able to contact support, but now they’ll just slam the door in your face and send you back to the forums for feedback from the community.

The only easy way to get in touch with a reviewer is to resubmit the hard rejected item with a comment, for which they threaten to permanently revoke upload privileges and/or disable your account. :sweat:

So, as much as I would like to help you, I’m not really sure how anymore…

agreed with @baileyherbert.

Please make sure that any of those 10 individual Items are not included in any bundle (approved). This one can be a reason to get hard rejection.

I would like to recommend contacting Envato author support and politely request them to check your bundle for reconsideration because this bundle included all approved Items from your account.

Don’t try to reupload/resubmit the bundle without permission from the Envato author support.

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