Hack Fort - March 2016

Here’s a hack that would be brilliant: Comment Restrictions.


In the “support” settings of my account I am required to point out where I will be providing support, no problem, I choose “External URL”. Now, pre-sale questions (non-buyers) come through to my item comments, this is totally fine, but, post-sale questions also come through to my comments, why?

If I’ve specified that I’m supporting via an external URL then customers with a purchase should ONLY be able to use that URL, save the item comments for pre-sale, and my ticket system for post-sale (support).

There are no losers here, want to keep all your support in one place? This helps. Buyers need support and come to comments? Remove the comment form, use a big button saying “click here for support”. Buyer wants to leave feedback? That’s what ratings are for.

There’s no reason I should wake up in a morning and have to cross-reference my item comments against my tickets for duplicates when I’ve already specified in my Envato settings that I use an External URL for support.

Thoughts? :smile: