FRESHFACE installation bug

My site recently shut down to a white screen. I tried checking the back end and only get the picture attached along with this post.

It won’t let me navigate anywhere on the backend of my site, without asking “freshface installation 1/4…”. I’ve clicked “no” and “yes”, and nothing comes of it. Anyone know what this is, let alone how to retrieve my website back to up and running?

Best to head over to the “support” page on the item you purchased from @FRESHFACE - click on the item and look for the “support” tab at the top, then follow the instructions to receive support on this issue:

Maybe they redirect to some page and You got popup block, or try to use some other browser - but also write to author about bug if it will work ok on other browser

Freshface have a really good & fast support, so if you contact them directly they will solve your issue asap.

Hi BboyJones!

Please follow the instructions by @dtbaker and we will help you out ASAP.

Thanks and cheers! :slight_smile: