Free Yamaha DX7/TX-802 Editor and Emulation

I found a free VSTi editor for DX7/TX-802 from Quebec.

  • Compatible DX7 in general

  • It loads and saves the original sysex

  • It includes an emulation of the DX7 (you can work with the machine’s patches offline)

  • It is cross-platform OSX and Windows

Cheers :wink:

Yes Dexed, I use it all the time :slight_smile: It’s good, though not fully developed yet so it’s not super great when using it as a emulator plugin, just very good haha.

Yes it’s good. It’s interesting to compare the same sysex with the DX7 and the emulation. The emulator plug in it’s not bad but DX7 is more punchy and bright.

Thanks, it’s pretty handy

Yeah indeed, I mostly use it for running original DX7 rhodes sysex. Slap some clean vintage chorus on it with some EQ’ing and they sound really great. It’s the only non-sample based plugin that can emulate those nice legendary DX7 rhodes.