Free Wordpress Theme not working

Hi there guys, I am having some issues with the free Wordpress themes, that were given out last month for the birthday…

I was not give any options when downloading the files now they are all telling me they are missing css files, if there away to work around this?

I am new to word press so I don’t know much about this issues or how to fix it, can someone please help me?

Thanks In Advance
Grant Harris

You will need to extract the downloaded .zip file somewhere on your computer. Inside those files should be another .zip file with the theme name… upload that one into WordPress.

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I did try that but let me try again quickly, maybe I am doing something wrong

I get the same error. :unamused:

Hmm, what’s the name of the theme you’re trying to install?


This will be the one, but it looks like none of the ones I downloaded are working

If none of them are working then it’s definitely an error in your process. When you extract that file to your computer, what is the name of the .zip file inside which you’re trying to upload?

Sorry about not responding, so the unopened folder is named.-

the opened folder is named -

47%20AM 37%20AM

Use either the zip in the last screenshot via WP-admin or use the unzipped folder in the last screenshot via FTP

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I need to figure out the FTP… the uploading is not working.

OK sorted thanks a million guys or Gals…

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