Foundry - Multipurpose Drupal 10 Theme with Paragraph Builder

I bought this theme and it’s not working!
During installation I got the following errors

The Stylesheet style.css is missing!

Das Theme wird von der hochgeladenen Datei installiert
Entpacken des Pakets …
Das Theme wird installiert …
Das Paket konnte nicht installiert werden. Dem Theme fehlt das Stylesheet style.css.
Theme-Installation fehlgeschlagen.

Unfortunately it is not possible to install this theme under Designs or Plugins.

Is there anyone who has a solution to this problem?

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Hi there, I did the same thing. Step by step.
Sadly it didn’t work out…

Drupal installation may be different than WordPress, the link was to show that you’d need to install the ZIP inside of the one you downloaded…

If you’re still having issues, check documentation and follow the instructions. If you still unable to perform the installation, I can offer “installation service” if you’re interested in.

That would be great if you could help me further.
Unfortunately I can’t get any further with the problem :frowning:

I offer installation service ( paid ) if you’re interested in, you can contact me