I bought the Food.bakery theme for my WordPress website. I already Installed it, but I want to make some changes, so I contacted the author through their website. Unfortunately, they don’t answer me.
The first day that I contacted them, somebody outside of their company contacted me to tell me, “Hey, if you have any problem with WordPress, I can help you.” But when I refused to answer, the food.bakery author also did not care about what I asked them, and they didn’t support me.
Can you help me in this regard?
Customisation would be outside scope of support
How long ago did you contact them?
Depending what you want to do it may require freelance help but bear in mind that this is outside of Envato so a private arrangement.
Did you try item comments?
From 2 weeks ago till now I have been sending them messages. Every week they answer me with just 2 words and then they stop to reply. I wanna change the search engine. The theme will search to find restaurant names but I wanna change to a cuisine name.
Also not customization, I listed some cuisines, when a user as a restaurant registers, they can add anything they want for the menu builder and it does not make sense why we put cuisine names.
Also, pic slider on the first page does not work.
Customization the theme is not included to the support, this is probably why they stopped providing you support but the best case scenario, you’d need freelancer to get those modifications done for you or you’d need to figure something out by yourself as no one else would provide “free” support for another authors item.