Follow you Follow Me

We all want more followers on the Marketplaces. In anticipation that one day, the sun will shine and dainty butterflies will skip from flower to flower in a sun beamed meadow of tranquility, Envato will make followers a rich feature.

In readyness for the day they succumb to our requests for making all followers available and a useful tool, I thought… why not start the ball rolling. We love followers ( on the marketplaces )

So here goes, all you have to do is reply with I am following you. And I will do the same…

All fun huh.

I think if this behavior doesn’t violate envato’s principles, then I’m quite ready to be inspired by your work :full_moon_with_face:

What do you mean this?

Isn’t this considered a kind of cheat? :sweat_smile:


Masterly-Design is my name and i get in contact to you because of some copyright concernings. I want to inform you that copyright violations are no joke and could be end in removing upload rights on Envato platforms.
I just sent you a warning
Thank You

I meant that I will be happy to be “inspired” by your works, but I certainly will not copy them in any case.

Please read envato terms very well

following someone is supposed to be spontanious action when someone see your profile and want to be updated with your new works… :slight_smile: the number of followers is just number if they are your followers just because you follow them hehe

I have my 130+ followers - all of them followed me because they wanted too, not because I asked them. And those 130 followers are more valuable for me than 2k followers who don’t care what I do … :slight_smile:

but this is what I think which is not important :wink:

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What do you mean? You can use a specific excerpt from envato conditions?

Back in the day a few of us shared links to each others profiles in the form of small banners. As long as everyone kept your banner on their page, you’d do the same for them, but over time that stopped, and now I haven’t seen any of them active here or anywhere else.

Not really sure what you’re talking about, hellhat hasn’t mentioned anything that would even remotely be violating Envatos terms.


Hahaha, I saw a lot of professionals have a lot of followers knowing that it is possible to enter new sales on you, hahaha :grin: :wink:

It means that he will imitate my work, and this is considered a violation of conditions and may be subjected to DMCA, in Feature

Inspired and imitation are very different things.


@Masterly-Design yes that’s true, but I am not really active in social media :slight_smile: I just do my work hehe

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It could imitate a bit, but this could harm your sales.
Can you get him inspired by your work? :wink:

Promoting on the media is great and this entails very many sales :grin: :wink: :upside_down_face:

Being inspired by your work does not mean that I want to steal it from you, especially since I said it with a small amount of sarcasm, not so openly to write that “I follow you”, you will agree that this is a primitive answer, and I like to diversify my vocabulary.

I didn’t want to violate your rights in any way, not even in my mind.

I think these are the right thoughts.

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If it is, then it is very good.
I wish you success here, my friend :grin: :blush:

no doubt - it’s obvious. In the past I was trying this and I realized that this takes me too much time which I can spend on core of my activity which is design -> not forcing my designs through social media in front of people faces :smiley: :smiley: hehe

Promotion is good but my personal choice is to not because of lack of time :slight_smile:

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Me too. :upside_down_face: Don’t be afraid for your rights, moderators will not miss the same work on the market, and you can prove your case at any time.