Flyer, has been rejected. Why it happened

I am not expert to flyer but maybe your background is crooked and gifts more guassian much…

Mother’s day or Christmas? :slight_smile:
It’s too basic, can be found as free template ( except the image )

it’s not day mother but women christmas, do you don’t see she have a cap as
Santa Claus?

:slight_smile: Christmas

Aside from issues already raised and the fact it’s predominantly stock that I am guessing you don’t own, even beyond that the typography would need a lot of work

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Thank you bro

When you skip the woman there is nothing left than a little piece of text.
The dj texts overrulles the maintitle while this is one of the important things of a flyer.
Your title must stand out.

The date and clubname is very small and after the title the most important item of the hierarchy.
This is just a very basic flyer, no seling potential, nothing special.


Salom menga yordamingiz kerak siz bn qanday bog’lansam bo’ladi?


hi , for me , the main issue is the global style … at this stage , u have something really pretty dark overall for what is supposed to be a fun party time, especially as far as the back ground goes, as the back is really flat , not shining in anyway and so on. Let alone the minimalist style which does not refer much to Christmas indeed, this is also a problem that is echoed in the lighting. Look, the presents are not reflecting the supposed general lighting. The light is supposed to come from behind so that you should have rather dark presents but with shiny / lighted left sides or , on the other hand, if u consider that the light is coming from in front, then, ether should be a much brighter background and resulting in a shadow of the model on the background. Otherwise , it seems tome that u could have yellow parts (text and brush effect) much much more in keeping with the color of presents so that u can increase the harmony resulting from these elements. Finally there is a good overall positioning of elements as regard to the z lay out , but things like the QR code or the date are really undermined , they look cornered and really small and “valueless” as such