Flyer got rejected again.

you don’t can similar other design because will to be hard rejected but you need see any flyer for give some idea designs better for u or maybe you can download any template flyer and edit some later will to upload graphicriver approved.

no u can’t repost something that u got from other people , this is not done, this is forbidden and rightfully so , u can only buy to potentially analyze people’s technique and inspire from them , period

who ask? I or @2AGFX

ask what i did not ask anything … i just comment, pls write in spanish , i may have a better understanding of what u are saying

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Para quien estás preguntando?

no soy preguntando nada, solo era un comentario , no entiendo lo que quieres decir con esto …

perdon, para quien eras un comentario?

no puedes vender algunas cosas que has comprado para vender aqui como template … hay problemas de copyright y derechos intelectuales. A mi parecer , puedes entender que no quisieras que la gente haga la misma cosa con tus productos …

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pero se puede cambiar images, colors, styles, fonts, etc, se puede?

si cambias todo , de verdad puedes hacer lo pero cual es el interest usar un flyer que has comprado si cambias todo? lol

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No compre flyer pero voy a bajar template flyer gratis y arreglaré algo pero diferente q original flyer. :slight_smile:

lol if u expect to do good out of poor quality flyers in the first place, good luck! hahaha

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hahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha… :smiley:

Jeri u also have to understand that this is not because u are taking some pieces only from a flyer that there will be no right issues all the same

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Okay I understand,

if u have a deal with someone that this concerned person lets u use some items, this is fine, if not, there will be copyright issues …