First Rejected Track - Feedback Appreciated

Hi everyone, I recently had my first rejected track - I’d like to revise it if possible but I’m a bit stumped on what to tweak.

I’d appreciate any feedback - I’m still learning the market here and I might be missing something that would be more obvious to seasoned authors. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I am new, but, I think the track is quite repetitive … there is almost no variation, the guitar is very monotonous and the percussion too simple (only a kick drum), the length of the track is 2:26, but the 10 first seconds are repeated in loop (adding some pad or instrument)

I considered that aspect but I’ve also heard a lot of other accepted tracks that are just as repetitive. I was going for something that just had a very slow gradual build. Perhaps went too much in that direction! thanks for the feedback.