First Item and First Hard Reject - Could you please download plugin and write some advice?


I have send first item and first “success” - hard reject.

The worst thing is explanation:

Unfortunately, after reviewing your item ‘Contact Page’ we found that it’s too far off the standards we require, so you’ll be unable to submit it again.

…so, I need your help, please see me script and write some feedbacks what I should improve

Demo page
Plugin ZIP file

Thank you in advance!,

Personally (just my opinion) I don;t get the relevance or use to this - 99% of sites/themes etc. will have their own contact page/section/shortcode without the need to bloat it with a plugin.

On top of this you plugin is not going to style the same as the theme so there is going to be more work for the user to make it fit.

Beyond that the aesthetics of the demo are not great. There’s numerous inconsistencies and issues in spacing, margins, typography etc.

Again just my opinion but I don’t really see what this offers that is unique or that most themes (esp. those with page builders) cannot do without the need for plugins and in the theme per-detemrined style

charlie4282, Thank you for your time and yours advices.