Find the music of the video

Hello community, I uploaded this video montage:
I thought the music would be in it or at least there would be a place to do it or credit to the author.
I didn’t find anything. I think that the montage doesn’t make sense if there’s not the same music.
How can I find it? Someone to help me please?
Is it in there?

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This is the track you need:

It is infuriating that Envato still hasn’t managed to provide a simple way for Elements media creators to credit music used in their trailers. Especially when the music is Audio Jungle only.
@via_production Were you aware that your music was being used to advertise content on Elements without crediting you?


I am very pleased that my tracks are used in advertising … But alas, I did not know that this track was used for advertising without indicating my page on audiojungle. I think it will be fixed! Thanks in advance! Have a nice day, everyone! @criskcracker thanks for the help!


Hello @gresar! Here is the track you were looking for. I am the author of this track. Here is the link to the track:

I hope so. But the last I heard, authors had no option to link to Audio Jungle music, as HTML links are forbidden in Elements descriptions. Whether this has changed, I don’t know. There is a thread about it here:

Another method would be for video/template authors to include it in a .txt file in their item’s zip. But knowing Envato, I wouldn’t be surprised if that is forbidden too…

In a .txt file it’s not forbidden because he gives links for the policies.[quote=“criskcracker, post:5, topic:312602, full:true”]

I hope so. But the last I heard, authors had no option to link to Audio Jungle music, as HTML links are forbidden in Elements descriptions. Whether this has changed, I don’t know. There is a thread about it here:

Another method would be for video/template authors to include it in a .txt file in their item’s zip. But knowing Envato, I wouldn’t be surprised if that is forbidden too…

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Thank you very much @criskcracker

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I’m sorry I don’t wanna make problem to the other guy who makes the video montage

@gresar You can place track information in a txt file. I think this does not contradict the rules of elements - because the track is on the site of envato.

@gresar I can clarify in the support service how to correctly add a link to the track so that everything is correct.

Nonetheless, crediting the music author is still mandatory. It has to be in plain text because “reasons”, but it has to be there. Not doing so is a breach of Envato’s terms… but since even senior VH reviewers are not aware of this, whatcha gonna do?

@via_production should definitely demand that they be properly credited.


nice, i use it

Got a response from customer support. Here is the text of the letter:

Will (Author)
Jul 4, 2020, 11:25 PM GMT+10
Ok thanks for your patience here.
It’s fine to add a link in the text doc, they still need to add the ID and author username into the description as well though 👍
Will Bishop
Envato Support
I’m located in England. My timezone is GMT