Please spend some time and give feedback on the coming soon App showcase HTML5 mockup that i work on.
Does it stand a chance to get approved by reviewer?
Or any part i should improve?
The about page is scrollable.
Millions thanks
Please spend some time and give feedback on the coming soon App showcase HTML5 mockup that i work on.
Does it stand a chance to get approved by reviewer?
Or any part i should improve?
The about page is scrollable.
Millions thanks
Any Feedback Please
@kenny90, personally I can say design is nice looking but no one can give you guarantee on item approval.
Reviewer are human beings so there is no hard and fast rule for approval, your item should have quality, well organised codes and a bit it depends on mindset of reviewers.
Hope this info will help you.
Thanks superrajesh.
@MontuThemes, @charlie4282
Like the feature of tagging. Awesome envato forum:grinning:
I will not just submit the coming soon app showcase, i will include othere theme in coming soon category like restaurant theme and so on.
Could you please give me some feedback? anything i can improve?
Or i’m good to start code and try to submit?
Its a good start but things need fixing
Nav links e.g. ‘About’ on left side look stretched and over spaced
App store icons don’t align to text above it
copyright text is a big brah and oversized
careful with top/bottom padidng and margins on content (inconsistent at the moment)
spacing on content next to mobile images needs work
the black nav does not really work there obscuring the mobile - try moving it into the header opposite the social icons on the left and make it appear there over the pink BG. It will stand out, look tidier, be easier on mobile and not block off the phone image
Thanks @charlie4282:grinning: