Feedback on Logo Design

Hello Authors,

I have done this logo for graphic river…your suggestions pls…

to be honest i rather like what u have here but when i see this , i cannot help feeling sad as i think that u messed with your whole work with a couple of small details indeed, What u have is harmonious and there is a bit of work on the typo - unlike most of the logos that are rejected - bubbles are pretty coolant this looks good no matter what is the background, BUT , man! the mouth and the eyes of the fish, wow! this ruins your work buddy ! this looks kind of awkward if u ask me in the first place and in addition, this not completely matching the rest , nor is it also looking modern , it makes u get into a rather “too drawn” outdated style. There is also a slight improvement to bring to the imbrication of the tagline with the company name, too, and , in my view , for the horizontal version, u should increase slightly the text part so that the illustration is less prominent … the good thing is that u have a super cool base to work with in my view , i assume that if u fox things properly, this should make it , i think :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your valuable feedback…also plss loo at my other logo templates.
and guve your feedback

hi basically u have a bit the same kind of problems as with the other ones, as regard to the imbrication of both part and maybe a about the eye of the horse, too. Otherwise, the typo is maybe a bit too likely from one to the other and sometimes they evoke “some likelihood” to reject your item but honestly there is far less interesting logos making on regular basis (it was the same for your initial one by the way and as no one has ever known what are the criterias to judge of quality … u can imagine whatever u like …) so hard to identify if rejections have anything to do with what i mentioned. For the paintome one the concept is cool, though the shadow looks rather unreal and the red bullet is not only superfluous but also not particularly aesthetic and rather tends to deteriorate your work more than any other thing

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Thank you for your feedback…i ll try to improve

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ok good work and good luck, now , if u have enough clues to help u , u can check the solution box :slight_smile:

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