Feedback Needed: My To-Do List App (Hard Rejected on ThemeForest)

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Hi everyone,

I recently developed a To-Do List application using Vue 3, TypeScript, Composition API, and Tailwind CSS, and submitted it to ThemeForest. Unfortunately, the item was hard rejected.

Here are the main features of the app:

  • Modern and Responsive Design: Built with Tailwind CSS, ensuring a clean and user-friendly interface.
  • Tag-Based Task Management: Users can organize and filter tasks using tags.
  • Advanced Sorting and Filtering: Tasks can be sorted by priority, status, and more.
  • Dark/Light Mode Support: Offers a seamless experience for users preferring either theme.

I would love to get your feedback on:

  1. What could be improved in terms of design, functionality, or user experience?
  2. Does it meet the standards expected for ThemeForest submissions?

I am eager to learn from your insights and improve my project for resubmission. Thank you so much for your time and feedback!

This belongs on CodeCanyon not Themeforest. That would definitely contribute to it being rejected

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Thank you so much for clarifying this, Charlie.
I truly appreciate your insight. I didn’t realize that my project fits better on CodeCanyon rather than ThemeForest. This feedback is really helpful, and I’ll take the time to review CodeCanyon’s guidelines to make sure my submission aligns with their expectations.

Thanks again for taking the time to help me out!