Facing issue while setup WoWonder Combined Chat Timeline And News Feed Application For WoWonder PHP


We have purchased the wowonder script - “WoWonder Combined Chat Timeline And News Feed Application For WoWonder PHP script”. Facing some error while going to setup the script for creating the apk for android device. We are following the setps are mentioned in the “WoWonder_Timeline.pdf” documentation.

Error 1: Facing this error while going the Verify Application steps (As per page no. 5) “It looks like you haven’t purchased the WoWonder/App script yet using this Envato account. It looks like you haven’t purchased the app yet using this Envato account.”

Error 2: “WoWonder client could not be found”.

Can you please help me, so I can easily set up this script for android devices and generate apk?

Thanks you.

Looks like you already asked the author which is the right thing to do . It looks like they reply v quickly to comments so (bear in mind timezones etc.) they should come back ASAP

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