We did some research about this type of collaboration & there are some products already selling HTML versions to other markets and other versions are in Themeforest (I know they collaborate & I haven’t any problem with that).
When it comes to us then it is a violation of exclusivity. Although we already have permission from the original author and aren’t selling the original product, we are selling another version of that product, which many authors already do.
I’m sharing some examples of ThemeForest templates which has the same:
You cannot sell the items elsewhere with the exclusivity at Envato.
Around 2018, if I’m not mistaken, they have changed the policy and added the details, if you have PSD on Envato, you cannot sell the WP/HTML or any other version at any marketplace.
We are not the original author of that template. We created a React version of that template (Which is from another author, we do collaborate with that author)
The problem here is that this template’s Bootstrap version is sold on the Bootstrap themes website. Does the original author still have a version here on Envato?
You can’t sell the item as exclusive at Envato. You will need to change your account settings if you want to sell it or remove it from marketplace.
Does exclusivity extend to related items?
Multiplatform Ports: Items that have been ported to work on other platforms or with other software/technologies. Example: MyTheme for WP, MyTheme for Magento, MyTheme for Drupal, etc; or MyTemplate for After Effects and MyTemplate for Apple Motion.
Service Delivery Variants: Items delivered in different ways, such as via a hosted product package or SaaS offering, that provide access to the item or a comparable and substitutable end use of the item. Example: MyTheme and MyTheme Hosted.