Error in downloading Demo content (cURL error 7:) - Goto theme

When I’m downloading the Demo Content (Goto from @ BoostifyThemes via Wordpress I receive an error:
cURL error 7:

I contacted my hosting company and they asked me for a IP-adress. It could be that it is blocked and that they have to give access so the content can be downloaded. Is there a way of solving this or is there an other way of installing the Demo content?

Thanks in for your help!


Contact with your item author hope they will help you out from your issue.


The problem has been solved by own search and try.
I found out the problem was a blocked IP address. The Demo Content I needed to download was hosted on the same server as the demo online was. In my case:

What I did was:

  1. Open command
  2. Type: ping (change to your own website)
  3. Ask the hostingpartner to check and unblock the IP-address
  4. Problem solved!

Online I read that there could also be a problem in the SSL or PHP settings. For me that was not the solution, but also worth checking!