Hello. I registered an account and I want to use it for the Affiliate Program. I do not generate any traffic at the moment, but I prepare a large platform for the future. I received a letter that Envato turns off the Affiliate program and moves it to Impact. I applied and got this: Screenshot by Lightshot
What does it mean? New people are no longer accepted into the system? Where does the traffic come from, if I’m just starting out?
so how can i reapply and approve my affiliate programme
from your screenshots I can guess you have no traffic record for affiliate. so, please make some traffic first, may be you didn’t start affiliate with ?ref=username. So try to use ?ref=username to get some traffiic then apply. Hope your application will approve.
And Remember This link ref=username will not work.
Envato Message
We’d like to give you a heads up that due to technical limitations of the current affiliate program, the Envato Market affiliate program will be closing down on Monday 1st October 2018.
This means that after this date, you will no longer be able to earn affiliate commission on referrals and your affiliate links (“?ref=yourusername”) will no longer be valid.