Envato Forum Moderator

Hey guys, I’ve seen often in last time that there are a lot of moderators in the forum.

I’d just like to ask you guys, if those moderators are employees of envato or private members of envato.

Is there any way to get a moderator? And if yes, what are those criterias?

Thanks and have a nice evening :slight_smile:

Regards, eliteCode

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Some moderators are Envato Employees but not all are. This forum is similar to other forums for instance you have to spend lot of time online to became moderator. Additionally, you have to reply on all unanswered posts with solutions and reporting of misleading content to existing moderators. It will increase your chance to became a moderator .

Guten Tag!

Hey, alright thanks for this information. Let’s keep an eye out what the time will bring in future :blush:

Cheers, eliteCode

Nope! That’s wrong! Envato Staff are Envato Staff, moderators, like myself are volunteers. Long time authors with experience in community matters. We are not paid, we don’t get any extra perks. We love this community and we do our best to help and keep it clean! :slight_smile:

Moderators are not Staff. Know the difference! :stuck_out_tongue:

Moderator roles are assigned by staff. There are no contests held and these positions are not made public. If you the community requires mods, the staff will nominate! :slight_smile:

Wrong again. We appreciate all the help we get from the community, but replying to 1035302 posts does not guarantee you’ll be a moderator. There have been plenty of authors that have done this but in the grand scheme of things they did not have the qualities staff looked for.

Be yourself mate. Answer whenever you can, and concentrate on evolving along side the community, if you’re great, you’ll get picked. The community is ever growing, and staff are ever looking. Although these are not publicly announced, new moderators appear each year! :slight_smile:


And that’s really worth seeing. Thanks for your information, marked that as solution. This will be for sure a good question for other people too with an awesome answer.

At all, I don’t really want to push myself to become a moderator. I love the community, but I’d also love to stay as default member a part of this beautiful forum and community. And even if I’d really like to, I understand too the requirements that someone like me who is only a few months active again will not become a moderator that way so fast. So, it’s clearly understandable that only big effort and knowledge will do it.

But for now, I have to work on myself with my projects and create some quality for the world. Great answer again, @Enabled! :beers:

Thanks again and have a nice evening :blush:

Regards, eliteCode

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Cheers mate! Glad to have helped! :smiley:

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@Enabled You are not an Envato Employee still you are a moderator. But you said only Envato Employees are moderator. {Later you said you are volunteer}

Than how it is wrong ?
I said

Some moderators are Envato Employees but not all are

{Later you said you are volunteers }
Means you a have contributed a lot , stayed online that is the reason Envato Staff had chosen you as a Moderator!

Than how it is wrong?
I said

you have to reply on all unanswered posts with solutions and reporting of misleading content to existing moderators. It will increase your chance to became a moderator .

Please clarify it, are you contradicting yourself ?


He didn’t say that!

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As my friend @SpaceStockFootage remarked, I didnt say that. And I dont believe I contradict myself much! Take a minute and read before posting just for the sake of bumping your post count! :wink:

I said it but you said I am wrong…so right will be exact opposite. Seriously confusing ! :thinking:

There are no Envato Moderator Staff Members. There are Staff Members and Moderators. So you are wrong. Meanwhile, this thread had fufiled it’s purpose, and now we’re just splitting hairs.
