Envato Celebrates Space Day with SpaceStockFootage!

Sure thing!

  1. Contact is my favorite sci-fi film. It’s got the perfect balance of sci and fi, written by Carl Sagan (the grand master of popular science), and Jodie Foster is fabulous!

  2. Brian Cox. The only reason I say that is I’ve already met Patrick Moore (God rest his beautiful soul), and I have the opportunity of meeting Stephen hawking this summer. We’ll see if I do though. Nothing on the cards for old ‘Coxy’ though, so would be nice to have a chat with him. He was also in a band in the 90’s when I was a nipper… not a lot of people know that!

  3. Forward in time, absolutely. The amount of documented history we have though Wikipedia, books, films etc… although they may not be 100% accurate, most of us have a pretty good idea of how things were ‘back in the day’. The future is still alien to us, and although we can make educated guesses, they’re rarely on point. I mean, back in the 50’s they thought we’d have flying cars and robot butlers by the year 2000!

  4. There are specific rules on this, I forget, but certain objects you’re allowed to name yourself, and others they have to go by a certain set of rules, which rarely include the discoverer naming them. At the risk of sounding selfish, It would be nice to include my name, or some part thereof, in a discovered object. Then I’d have some kind of legacy that will outlive me. Imagine if we colonize that star system in the future, and people are using my name on a daily basis! That would be great.

  5. The book would be the Rama quadrilogy by Arthur C Clarke. I love that series. Person… that’s a tough one. There’s a lot of people out there who sound pretty cool, but it’s hard to say if they are actually nice chaps or chapesses. I’d probably go with Richard Osman form the game show Pointless. He’s clever, funny and would probably be a great member of a pub quiz team.

  6. Trek. Although there’s not a massive comparison. Trek for TV shows and Star Wars for films. Engage!

  7. Sign me up Themefusion! Yeah, take me up to space and I’ll give you 90% of my sales. Or 95%. Maybe 99%.

And while I have a bit of an open forum, I’d just like to point out that science, astronomy and space exploration would probably be nothing without the tireless work of women throughout the ages. Over the years, women have worked on the sidelines while chaps have got all the credit, so it’s nice to see so many women coming through in areas of science mathematics, engineering etc. They may not have beards, but that has little effect on their ability to get the job done!



You have great works , and love your working style. Keep it up

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Thanks for interesting interview. Great story!

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Great (illustrative) interview. Liked reading it!

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Nice story i really like it :slight_smile:

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:heart_eyes:I wrote a track about M.E.R. it may be be interesting to someone)) At baseline 90 days of operation, they are alive!
Created 2 May 16

Mars Exploration Rover


Beautiful article! :slight_smile:

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Do you have any desk on Mars? :smiley:
Awesome works, awesome story :smiley: