Envato bundle badge query

Looks like envato doesn’t run envato bundle offer anymore as Envato Elements itself is now that bundle. It’d be great if Envato gave away bundle badge to everyone that got selected for Cyber Monday campaign (as 50% off offer is a replacement for previous year’s cyber monday bundle). I always loved that badge. :frowning: Will it be up for grab anytime soon? It’s been years. :frowning:

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Great question! I’ve asked the appropriate staff and will follow up with a response as soon as I hear from them.


It is always great to unlock new badges.

I also joined the Envato Birthday Promotion Campaign and my items were also in the birthday bundle.
Just wonder, would it count as well?

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That would be awesome. :clap::clap::heart_eyes:

Haha yes. That bundle badge icon is super. Color, too!

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That would be super cool… Following this thread for updates :grin::grin:

Would be good if people who get selected for the “friday freebies” promotion could also get the freebie badge :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey All.

Just an update that this is currently a very manual process. We’re thinking it out a little more to see how feasible it will be. We love badges too and want to see them used where it makes sense. The conversation is ongoing but hopefully we’ll have a sense of what we can and cannot take on very soon.



A new badge in a dry season liek this means huge motivation to authors indeed!