Envato API Badge

Hey guys,

I’ve noticed that there is a badge called Industrious API Inventor. So, as far as I’ve understood the description, it means everyone who creates a helpful tool/app using the Envato API will receive this badge.

But, after some research for some products using the Envato API on CodeCanyon, I’ve noticed that those authors haven’t received this badge. Are they hiding that badge maybe?

I talk about this one:

What is meant with helpful. A product checker, if the product with the given product key was really bought from envato using their API? Or anything, that relates to their API?

Thanks :blush:

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Hi @Elitecode.

If you made som application usign the API, you can request Envato to attribute that Badge.
Maybe you can contact through the following link: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Best regards and GL with your item.


I’ve got one by participating in an API contest.

I also created Envalytics using Envato API

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Thanks guys. Nice to know :blush: