Hi friends. My earnings from Elements have decreased quite a bit over the past few months. Are your earnings as you expected, is there a decline in your Elements earnings?
Hi! I’ve been experiencing the same issue. However, I realize that the current quality of my items might be a contributing factor to the drop in earnings. How about you? How significant has the decline been for you?
I also feel that Envato Elements seems to have a higher demand for website templates lately. Have you noticed the same trend? Let’s share insights!
Hi. Product quality can certainly be one reason, but I believe that the growth of the market is also an important factor. Even if the demand remains the same, our earnings are gradually decreasing to the extent that we cannot keep up with the growth rate of the market. I think that producing a lot in this regard does not advance profits beyond just maintaining the status quo. I don’t know what can be done about this.
50% less (audio)
I don’t believe authors creating premium templates can sustain themselves on the minimal earnings from Elements. Also, most web templates available on Elements seem outdated.
@Libra_Studio @Remstunes @FirmanMawlana How were your earnings on Envato Market before the introduction of Elements?